Tragedy strikes

Moving to the farm was one of the best decision of our life. It gave us the opportunity to try new animals and gain more experience that we could have never even dreamed of doing at our old home. However, we have learned that the farm comes with a lot more risks and a lot more losses than we anticipated. Many tragedies have struck the Flowing Milk and Honey Farm and sadly enough, one more was added to our history.

On Tuesday, February 7th, a hawk took the life of our head big chicken rooster, Wyatt. Wyatt was a purebred Wyandotte purchased as an egg and hatched out by us in an incubator, so he lived his entire life with us. He ended up getting chosen to be our new rooster and enjoyed free range life with 12 hens. We choose Wyatt because of his calm demeanor and protectiveness of the flock. He was truly the dream rooster! Wyatt died bravely defending a hen from a big hawk. Thankfully, we had just chosen one of his sons, Carter, to be our backup rooster in case something like this happened….. thank the lord we did or we would be without a rooster right now. However, Wyatt was so amazing that we want more chicks from him, so we recently put in 23 eggs(fathered by Wyatt) and 18 Bantam eggs in the incubator. They should hatch in early March.
We hope to get at least 8 hens that we can keep for our own flock while also selling a lot of chicks for other breeders looking for some stunning hens or/and roosters. Wyatt’s Legacy will continue to live on by his offspring. RIP Wyatt!

Wyatt standing regally for his picture
Carter, Wyatt’s son, waiting for his morning breakfast

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