About us

We lived in Henrico, Virginia for 15 years on a 3 acre land plot. In early 2019 we purchased a batch of 10 eggs, hoping that we could hatch out at least half of them. We ended up getting 8 chicks: 5 of which hens and the other 3 roosters. Once our hens were close to laying, we purchased three purebred Ameraucana hens. In the end, we had an established flock of 8 hens and 1 rooster, happily free roaming around are small estate. In late 2019 we purchased our first Lionhead rabbit doe, quickly followed by a Holland Lop doe as a friend for our original doe. 

In April of 2021, we moved out to a 45 acre farm in Goochland, Virginia with 8 chickens, 2 dogs, 2 rabbits and 2 ducks. We immediately allowed our  birds to free roam around this “upgrade” area. The new farm allowed many options that we could have only dreamed of having at our old home such as cattle, goats and other big farm animals. There for, we decided that we wanted to try breeding our Lionhead doe and our Holland Lop doe which led to the purchase of one Lionhead buck and one Holland Lop buck. We had our first litter and have been doing well with our small breeding program ever since. Also, in May of 2021, we purchased a pregnant milk cow followed by a bottled calf, followed by two black angus heifers- all in 2021. 

Currently, the Flowing Milk and Honey Farm is producing quality chickens, rabbits and cows, but we plan to start breeding goats in the near future and eventually breed ducks, geese and pigs, alongside having a few horses to ride. We love each and every one of our animals and don’t want to add anymore animals until are current ones have everything they need and more. 


Learn from our mistakes and never make the same mistake twice

Constant bulling/targeting of an animal is not allowed

Never abuse or intentionally harm an animal

Raise happy, healthy animals without any unnatural feed


Expand our farm with more animals to give them a happy, healthy life and gain more farm life experience that we can use to make our whole homestead better.

Have a nice sized breeding operation that is filled with happy, fit animals that can produce stunning offspring that we can sell.