Although this was the second automatic chicken door that I purchased, it was my first venture into the solar powered doors. For reasons that I do not recall, I chose one from – a standard pullet, solar with battery. They have other sizes, but they all appear to operate on the same design. To […]
Chickens are interesting animals that all have their own unique personalities. While some chickens may be naturally more bossy and straight forward, other birds will be less confrontational and more submissive. When you have a flock of 40+ chickens, the exact pecking order can be harder to distinguish. However, I have managed to figure out […]
There is nothing quite like the first snow! It gives a both a feeling of peace as well as beauty. I think the blanket of pure white snow gives us a feeling of clean, so to speak! We went without any major snow last Winter, so we’re hoping for more blasts this year. Snow also […]
It’s that time of the year again – cold days and even colder nights. This also means that we have to start giving the cows hay, which is always a hassle, but we got it done. Every time I go outside the cows are stuffing their faces with hay, but apparently it didn’t keep them […]
It’s been nearly two and a half years since we moved to the farm. It’s been a real adventure – tending cattle, ducks, chickens, peafowl, rabbits and various veggies and fruits. Although we had experience in each of these areas, we had never operated on this scale! Each adventure deserves a novel of it’s own…from […]
We are super excited for the long-awaited breeds to get here: Cream Legbar and Blue Plymouth Rock! We have been searching for these breeds for quite a while, so we are very happy to be able to get some for ourselves. Only 2 Legbar pullets and only 3 Blue Plymouths are here, but we continue […]
We’re back! The last couple of months have been EXTREMELY busy, but we are happy to have time to come back. Chickens are very hardy animals, but even they have a point where the temperatures are too cold or hot. If you are concerned that your chickens might get too hot and/or cold, all your […]
It’s a long boring story, but the “internet” we thought we would have at the start of the farm just kept getting delayed. Our speeds were too slow to manage this site (without a lot of frustration!) But, all of that has finally changed over the last two weeks and now the farm actually has […]
Before we moved to the farm, we spent about a year ramping up our small chicken operation. We were on a piece of land that could hold chickens and my daughter was interested in expanding out, beyond the two rabbits we currently had. For whatever reason, I almost always prefer to incubate my fowl, as […]
Brie, our half-Montbéliarde, half-Holstein bottle calf has started to drink less milk replacer from the bottle. It’s hard to say if this is simply part of the normal progression (as she eats more and more grass and grain) or if something else is going on. Brie is only about two and a half months old. […]