ItemPrice PerQuantity
FMH Mix hatching eggs (DOZEN)$15Sold Out
FMH Mix chick unsexed$5Sold Out
FMH Mix pullet $18Sold Out
FMH Mix hen$25Sold Out
FMH Mix cockerel$10Sold Out
FMH Mix rooster$15Sold Out
All chickens for sale will be listed BELOW our flock photos. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see any FMH Mixes we have for sale.

FMH Mixes are a variety of breeds mixed together, including all of our purebred breed’s and then a few other breeds we have mixed in over the years including Mixed Ameraucana, Black Australorps, Blue Andalusian’s, Sapphire Gems and Lavender Orpingtons. Our FMH Mixes will range in appearance from a solid color to an array of colors. Some may have feathers on their feet or an adorable top hat while others may have muffs, beards and even five toes, thanks to our lovely Salmon Favorolles. Our FMH Mixes have also proven to be incredibly durable to both hot and cold weather, while also being fantastic foragers and proficient layers. They lay a variety of egg colors and are sure to leave a rainbow assortment in your egg basket. They can be used for meat, as some of them will be large and come from table breeds, so truly an all round chicken! We love our FMH Mixes and they will not disappoint you in color, temperament and hardiness! Plus, they are exclusive to our farm hence their name “FMH Mix”, standing for Flowing Milk and Honey Farm Mix.

Below is our best approximate knowledge on our FMH Mixes. Although most of facts are more instoned, we are really not able to say if our FMH Mix hens will be a setter or not. Some hens will be very inclined to set while others will be not interested at all. Our goal is for you to get a mix of both.

Egg color/sizevaries (green, pink, brown, blue, white)
Setterssomewhat likely
Table birdyes
Heat tolerance good
Cold tolerance good
Free rangerexcellent

Below are pictures of some of our FMH Mixes alongside some purebreds